Your Coach

Speaker, Author, Executive Performance Coach

Bernie De Souza

Bernie De Souza is a World-Renowned International Speaker, Best-selling Author and leading authority in helping Professionals to get more clients with these key skills.

Bernie specialises in helping professionals with client acquisition, by explaining the exact words to use, to influence prospects and clients with Integrity to say yes please, more easily.

Bernie has spoken in over 50 countries helping people with skills like how to close more easily, how to fill their diaries with quality appointments and get Automatic referrals plus many more skills.

Bernie teaches these specialist skills at conferences, workshops, one to ones and blended learning programs.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • Get your worksheet

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Let's get started!

    • Networking Introduction

    • Write down what say you do for living when somebody asks

    • 5 Words for a yes

    • Write down examples of 5 words for a yes

    • 3 Words for asking soft questions

    • Give three examples of the three soft words used before asking a client questions

    • 4 Words for solid Rapport

    • Give an example what you can say before a network talk

    • 60 second presentation facts

    • 60 second presentation Facts – 2 facts for networking talk

    • Third party hook

    • Write down your third party hook

    • Micro Story

    • Write down your micro story

    • Example talks and Call to action

    • Write down your networking talk

    • 5 questions for Testimonials

    • Recap and Final words

    • Write down your complete networking talk

    • This test is a short assessment to help you recap the training - Networking

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • Before you go...