There are 2 questions which I am asked almost every day

  • Where do I meet high net worth clients?

  • How do I get on-going professional introductions?

Everybody knows that getting referrals from your clients is one of the best ways to generate qualified leads for your business.

But sometimes, even if your clients love working with you, it’s difficult to motivate them to spread the word about your skills. Clients are preoccupied with pressing matters, and sending you new business is not on the top of their list.

So how do you get your clients to connect you with their network and send you quality referrals?

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that people are busy running their own businesses and worrying about their own clients. Finding the time to help you is simply not a priority for them.

The good news is, I have developed a way to “systemise” the referral process, so your clients consistently deliver you hot leads over and over again.

In my 20+ years of experience, I have worked with high profile organisations such as The Personal Finance Society, The Chartered Insurance Institute and the Million Dollar Round table -- teaching them to get more referrals and qualified leads from their existing clients in my private workshops and seminars.


Here's what some of our clients are saying about our training

Booking More Meetings

Sally Burn-Jones, Chartered Financial Planner

After holding my first professional Introducers event I've managed to book out my calendar with meetings with every single attendee! It was so successful we've already booked in another event later this year! Thanks Bernie!

Learning New Tricks

Janine Edwards, Senior Partner of a Financial Services Company

While I'm already having great success getting clients and referrals, this training taught me a few tricks that I could use to improve my results even further. I think anybody who would like more referrals or struggles to get referrals at all would benefit from Bernie's approach.

Obtaining More Referrals

Andrew Earls, Practice Principal

Bernie's training has taught me how to obtain more referrals and keep my diary full of appointments. I have been able to increase my income while generating consistent high quality leads as a result. Thanks Bernie!

For the first time ever - I’ve made this training available in one complete package

Now YOU can access it anytime, anywhere.

I successfully teach these profitable techniques during my workshops, and after hundreds of people have asked me for a recording of these strategies, I’ve finally condensed it into a complete training package.

If you want more professional introductions, as well as easy referrals to high net worth clients, then this programme will change your business.

During this proven training you will learn

  • Where high net worth individuals spend their time and how to access them

  • Exactly what to say and do to connect with these people

  • How to have successful professional introducer events

  • How to get your current clients to send you more qualified leads

Your Coach

Speaker, Author, Executive Performance Coach

Bernie De Souza

Bernie De Souza is a World-Renowned International Speaker, Best-selling Author and leading authority in helping Professionals to get more clients with these key skills.

Bernie specialises in helping professionals with client acquisition, by explaining the exact words to use, to influence prospects and clients with Integrity to say yes please, more easily.

Bernie has spoken in over 50 countries helping people with skills like how to close more easily, how to fill their diaries with quality appointments and get Automatic referrals plus many more skills.

Bernie teaches these specialist skills at conferences, workshops, one to ones and blended learning programs.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

    • Get your workbook

  • 2

    Chapter 1 - Tom Schrieter Interview What to say to get more Professional Introducers

    • 01

    • 02

    • 03

    • 04

    • 05

    • 06

    • 07

    • 08

    • 09

    • 10

    • 11

    • 12

    • 13

    • 14

    • 16

    • 15

    • 17

  • 3

    Chapter 2 - Phil Berg Interview How Financial Advisors can Network More Effectively

    • 01

    • 02

    • 03

    • 04

    • 05

    • 06

    • 07

    • 08

    • 09

    • 10

    • 11

    • 12

    • 13

    • 14

    • 15

    • 16

  • 4

    Chapter 3 - Bernie De Souza live Workshop Where to find Professional introducers to get ongoing introductions

    • 01

    • 02

    • 03

    • 04

    • 05

    • 06

  • 5

    Chapter 4 - Bernie De Souza Who and How to invite delegates to a Professional Introducers event

    • 01 Prof Intro Interview 01

    • 02 Prof Intro Interview 02

    • 03 Prof Intro Interview 03

    • 04 Prof Intro Interview 04

    • 05 Prof Intro Interview 05

    • 06 Prof Intro Interview 06

    • 07 Prof Intro Interview 07

    • 08 Prof Intro Interview 08

    • 09 Prof Intro Interview 09

    • 10 Prof Intro Interview 10

    • 11 Prof Intro Interview 11

    • 12 Prof Intro Interview 12

    • 13 Prof Intro Interview 13

    • 21 After the Event Track 1

    • 22 After the Event Track 3

    • 23 After the Event Track 2

  • 6

    Chapter 5 - Bernie De Souza live Workshop On How to get Automatic Referrals

    • 01 Introduction

    • 02 Batting Order

    • 03 6 Questions to get Testimonials

    • 04 6 Questions Recap

    • 05 6 Levels of Communication

    • 06 Do you Have an Automatic Referral Process

    • 07 6 Benefits

    • 08 2 Key Secrets

    • 09 Who is a good referral for you

    • 10 Who is better at selling your business

    • 11 Referral Questions 1-3

    • 12 Referral Questions 4-6

    • 13 Referral Questions 7-9 + bonus

    • 14 Questions Recap

    • 15 Other Income Streams

    • 16 Final Recap

  • 7

    Chapter 6 - Chartered Accountant and Solicitor Interviews on what they look for when referring Business to Financial Advisors

    • 01 Acc Interview 01

    • 02 Acc Interview 02

    • 03 Acc Interview 03

    • 04 Acc Interview 04

    • 05 Acc Interview 05

    • 06 Acc Interview 06

    • 07 Acc Interview 07

    • 08 Acc Interview 08

    • 09 Acc Interview 09

    • 10 Acc Interview 10

    • 21 Sol Interview 01

    • 22 Sol Interview 02

    • 23 Sol Interview 03

    • 24 Sol Interview 04

    • 25 Sol Interview 05

    • 26 Sol Interview 06

    • 27 Sol Interview 07

    • 28 Sol Interview 08

    • 29 Sol Interview 09

    • 30 Sol Interview 10

    • 31 Sol Interview 11

    • 32 Sol Interview 12

    • 33 Sol Interview 13

    • 34 Sol Interview 14

    • 35 Sol Interview 15

    • 36 Sol Interview 16

  • 8

    Chapter 7 - Tom Schreiter What to say to build instant trust in seconds with everyone you meet

    • 01

    • 02

    • 03

    • 04

    • 05

    • 06

    • 07

    • 08

  • 9

    Chapter 8 - Bernie De Souza How to get Automatic Referrals

    • 01 Introduction

    • 02 The Three areas

    • 03 Questions for Testimonials

    • 04 The Secret Grid

    • 05 Questions for Referrals

    • 06 Breakdown of Referral Questions

    • 07 Referral Question Keywords

    • 08 Advanced tips

    • 09 Final Words Contact details

  • 10

    Next Steps...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...